Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Guitar Scales

Not only the guitar but also music depend on music scales. Music Scales create from formulas. Mainly Scales divided in to two categories. They are MAJOR SCALES and MINOR SCALES. Every scale include 7 notes.

Major Scales create as below.
2 tones + 1 semitone + 3 tones + 1 semitone

Example:   If "C Major" scale creates as this.

C   D   E   F   G   A   B

In this "C" is the main tone. 
"C' + 2 tones = C D E. 
"C D E" + 1 semitone = C D E F

According to the above formula we can create the Major scale what we want. 

Minor Scales create as below.
1 tone + 1 semitone + 2 tone + 1 semitone + 2 tones

Example:  If "C Minor" scale creates as this.

C   D   Eb   F   G   Ab   Bb

In this "C" is the main tone.
"C" + 1 tone = C D
"C D" + 1 semitone = C D Eb

According to the above formula we can create the Minor scale what we want. 

Try this formula and if you have any problem comment this or mail to : sandikanuwanpriya@gmail.com. 

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