Saturday, June 9, 2012

Guitar Chords Basic

Guitar chords mean playing other than one note. It means make tones other than one string. Simply guitar chord is a collection of notes that create according it's main guitar scale. These notes are created using the guitar scale notes.
For an example:

"C Major chord" creates using "C", "E", "G" notes.
"C Minor chord" creates using "C","Eb","G" notes.

Basically chords divided into two main categories. They are MAJOR CHORDS and MINOR CHORDS.

Major Chords:

Major chord is a main category of music. Usually major chords use to create a happy noise. It means when we feel happy any part of a music, that time we use major chords. Major chords create according the formula below.

Main note + 5th semitone + 8th semi tone


C Major chord = C + 5th semitone + 8th semitone

=C E G  

Try to create other chords using following formula.

Minor Chords:

Minor chord also a main category of music chords. Usually minor chords use to create a sad feeling. When we want to play a sad music part that time we use minor chords. Minor chords create according the formula below.

Main note + 4th semitone + 8th semi tone


C Minor chord= C + 4th semitone + 8th semitone

=C Eb G

Try to create other minor chords using following formula.

I will post a correct table of major chords and minor chords in a later post. Try this and check if it is correct or wrong.



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